Tau Business Update and Q&A September 2021 (Episode 33)
Business Update
This week I’ve been finalizing the first article on Tau and its impact on the blockchain world. Since Kilian has just created a great blockchain centered pitch deck, I will also be drawing some inspiration from it to supplement the article with some additional information. But I’m hoping to have it ready pretty soon. Aside from PR matters I’ve also been working on our website update together with Fola and Kilian. Fola has been leading this process and we’ve had several discussions about the new website structure. Our goal here is to structure the information in a way that it would highlight the core products, the Tau platform, Agoras and TML.
It would also explain the innovations that go into these products, such as logical AI and all the solutions that it is going to enable. We have settled on the structure for the website and we have started working on the content to fill it up with. It is going to be some time before the new website is live. So, as a placeholder, I’ve created a copy for a landing page that will serve the purpose of encouraging website visitors to join our community on Telegram and also direct them to the current website for more information. This squeeze page is already being designed and we got to see the first version of the design this week. This should be a speedy process and we should have it live in no time.
Another thing that is moving forward in the marketing department is the Agoras logo redesign. We have been discussing concepts our designer has proposed and we will be sharing a lot of feedback with him to get him on the right track. But overall, the design process for the Agoras logo should be significantly shorter than the one we had for the Tau logo. Because the new Tau logo gives the designer a great visual foundation to start from.
This month I started off creating a little bit different version of the pitch deck at least the first slides of the pitch deck. To make it more blockchain focused. Previously, our pitch deck started off with explaining the difference between logic AI and machine learning. To make the deck more appealing to the blockchain focused audience, we created this version of the deck where pretty much we display Tau as an intelligent social network and built on the only blockchain capable of understanding and implementing users’ consensus in real time. This all comes down to the aspect of Tau being able to change itself in an instant and seamlessly, based on the collaboration focused discussions in machine comprehensible languages.
Whereas other blockchains don’t have that as all. They need years of time to implement even slight changes in the consensus mechanism. For example, Ethereum needs even more than five years to switch from proof of work to proof of stake. The governance models of today’s blockchains aren’t really designed in a fair and effective way and also today’s blockchains are quite vulnerable. So, even if a new implementation is being integrated then often it requires hardforks coming with additional risks like introducing new bugs and breaking the chain. As soon well this is also another thing, I’ve been on the lookout for a pitch deck designer as soon as we have the deck revamped.
I’m really looking forward to actually presenting it to the whole community and beyond. I’ve been working with the marketing agency on influencer outreach. We’ve had various calls with YouTubers, but so far none of the ones we had interviews with, was of the quality we’d like to identify ourselves with. We’ve been trying to create a different sort of filter for the agency to find us more education-focused YouTubers rather than those simply focusing on price action and things like that. So, besides that I’ve also been doing my own outreach and follow-ups with YouTubers and also AI podcasts. Still have some promising candidates there and hope that you’ll be able to see some of the results on that front soon.
Furthermore I also started developing a YouTube strategy which hopefully will enable us to pay for or to get even more established in the YouTube sphere. Because we certainly see YouTube and video in general as a very important medium to attract new people and thus we’re looking to establish ourselves on that platform in a more solid way long term. This will also help us to educate and explain our project in more depth. Then we also have been discussing a possible merge of Tau and Agoras. We came to the conclusion that we actually want to merge the Tau and the Agoras economy. So, the knowledge economy also will go under the name Tau.
Now we still have to see whether the token remains with the name Agoras or whether we will also rebrand that to Tau. I’ve also been doing some research in that regard. We have to talk to the exchanges and see what are the requirements on their sites in order to make this happen. We are still looking whether we actually want to proceed in that direction or not. Maybe also you as a community member can share your feedback on Telegram. What are your thoughts on the possible merge of Tau and the Agoras currency also into Tau, making it all one basically.
Then, I’ve also helped a bit with the website structure. Fola was leaving the frontier and Karolina was also involved. And same thing with the Agoras logo design we are currently working on. The community member of the month this time is Igor for helping us with some designs including the tokenomics infographic. So, thank you for that and congratulations and yeah see you next month. Thanks.
As Karolina and Kilian have mentioned on both the marketing side, the website update and the pitch deck design and the logo for Agoras. I’ve been involved in all of those. Kilian and I managed to get the rank updated on Coinmarketcap.com which has been great. Also, looking to have that sorted out on CoinGecko as well. Which shouldn’t be too difficult. It seems to be much easier on CoinGecko and much more straightforward. I think we could have that done in the next couple of weeks.
I am working on another exchange for us. I have got the paperwork back, so it’s not long for us to have that sorted out. It would be good for us to add another exchange under our belt. So, when we do have the marketing and everything underway, it will be able to allow us to attract different regions and allow different regions to be able to trade the Agoras tokens around the world, particularly Asia focus in this case. On top of that, we’ve also been looking at hiring on the blockchain developer side and the cryptographer side as well.
We’ve had some good interviews. We are currently in talks with someone on the blockchain developer side, hopefully that goes well. It’s been a bit of a slower process than we wanted it to be, but the people that were looking for a really high level and they’re really good. So, when people are really good, they’re typically very rare. So, it’s taking us a little bit longer but you know once we do hive for these roles it’d be boots on the ground running and on the way to developing the Tau blockchain. So, that’s really exciting for us as well.
Q: How do you envisage the price of Agoras changing over the next couple of months?
Fola: So, I mean I can’t really comment on the price exactly, but I can tell you that with the development of the project we’re certainly going to add more value to the project overall. We hope that with our marketing efforts the value is reflected in the price accordingly. We can’t really discuss the price but we can tell you that the value increases in the project every day.
Q: Two months ago, Ohad mentioned that Tau will be to some extent self-aware. So, will Tau be able to reason over what programmers call “self”, or do you mean it can reason over what is over its own blueprint/code or both?
Dr. Cramer: So, the way I see it is that Tau is a platform where the users can input information to the system that can then be used to have all kinds of automated interchange of information. Also, it can be used to discuss in the same way the improvement of the system. In the system the users can input their ideas of how the system should function in the future. Then of course the system also needs rules for how change can be attained in that way through user input. The idea is, for example, that if users bring up some ideas and are generally agreed on or agreed on by a large majority, that this is a sensible change and this change becomes the next version of the Tau system.
But for this, we need to specify rules within the Tau system that determine how this change takes place based on user input and on the agreement that the Tau’s system finds between the users that somehow express their consent or disagreement with specific proposals of how the system should change. That’s how I see it and then what we in the developer team have discussed is, how we can define a logical framework for the Tau system that enables users to make such statements about the system and about how the system should develop further in the future. in such a way. The problem here is that within the system they have to be able to talk about the functioning of the system.
So, this is the kind of self-reference that we have here, that within the system we need a kind of logical language that users can use in order to talk about features of a system. We have to make sure that on the one hand there’s this logical language that functions in a way that is intuitive for humans that use it. And on the other hand, it also has to be logically precise so that it can be interpreted by the system in a formally precise way. So, bringing together these two requirements has been one of the issues that the developer team has been looking at in recent weeks and even before that.
It provides the means for users to reason over its blueprint or code within the system, the system itself would not autonomously do the reasoning. But the idea is that the users can input their ideas about how the code should develop further. They don’t have to go down to the level of the code of the programming language that is used to code it. But rather it can all be stated on the level of how the system should function in certain situations. So, this logical language in which one can describe the functioning of a system would not just be like the same languages as a basic language of coding it. But it’s rather a more high-level language, where users can express what kind of features they consider desirable. At that level then of course the system can reason about the input from different users that make proposals for how to improve the system and can reason about whether these different ideas can be combined consistently and things like that.
Q: When will my locked AGRS tokens be released? Do you have any timeline?
Fola: The tokens are due to be released when the products are released in their final form, that’s the complete Tau. That’s when we have the release date for the AGRS tokens that are locked.
Q: This question is about Agoras Live. The development of such a complicated software like Tau takes time and it will be a while until its innovative abilities could be added to the Agoras Live platform. In my opinion Agoras Live without Tau abilities is not the best product market fit for the crypto world and won’t help much in attracting new users and investors to a platform within the crypto community. In the meanwhile, until Tauchain is finished. Question, can the Agoras Live platform, individual initial design and use case be reconsidered into something that has a better product market fit for the crypto world? For example, a DeFi platform with tools that will be attractive to an average crypto investor today. Such tools can be built on Ethereum or some existing chain in the meanwhile and migrated to Tau chain main net later on with new innovative abilities? The same as a payment system existing on the Agoras Live is Ethereum?
Karim: So, Agoras Live is a general use platform and applications for anybody with specific knowledge and any subjects and people who are seeking knowledge in those subjects. It provides a forum basically for those people to get together and exchange information either on a one-to-one basis or in a group basis. The success of Agoras Live will be very beneficial to our Agoras tokens which of course will also be beneficial to our crypto investors. Even though the platform or the application doesn’t have DeFi crypto features that usually attract crypto investors. But the success of Agoras Live will definitely be beneficial to our crypto investors. We remain open to adding some DeFi features that would make sense to the platform without necessarily over complicating it. So, if you want to be more specific, I would be happy to listen to your suggestions.