This week I’ve finalized an edit of the article on Tau and its approach on decentralizing blockchain and I’m waiting for the rest of the team to approve it before we pass it on to our PR partners for publishing. But me and Fola have already taken a look at it, made some edits, discussed it and we feel pretty happy with the result. So, hopefully that’s the one and the public can read it soon. We’ve also received five updated Agoras logo design proposals from our designer. We’ve gathered some feedback amongst the team. We need to discuss further with the marketing team internally.

I’m currently finishing up with a logo assessment matrix that will help us gather our feedback in an organized manner. In my opinion one of the logos is a pretty strong contender, so we will see if that’s one or maybe we can squeeze something further more from the concepts. For the next few weeks, my goal would be pushing on with the new website content. The first step would be to finalize the content structure and then, I would be able to get on with working on the copy and planning out any necessary visual content. Before we are able to go live with the new website, we will be using a squeeze page as sort of a placeholder to direct visitors to join our community on Telegram and also to read the Tau whitepaper. The design for the squeeze page is ready so we’re now working on putting it online.

Along with Karolina, I’ve also worked on fleshing out the structure and content of the website. We continued the YouTube influencer outreach and follow ups together with our marketing partner. It turned out, I think I mentioned it before, that the YouTube influencers we got connected with were not really the right fit for us. As we are more looking for deeper interviews rather than creating pump and dump videos about our cryptocurrency.

Yeah, so I’ve also been trying to look out for YouTube influencers that are a good fit. And still I think like the previous month we are in the process of getting a final interview with a certain influencer done and I hope, by next month’s update we will have more news on that front. Then I’ve also been trying to lock down the right pitch deck designer for us. We’ve had various calls regarding pitch deck designers concluding with one currently working on it with us. Hopefully the quality will adhere to our standard, so we can move forward on that front.

I’ve also been starting to do outreach to scientific writers as we’re looking to spread the word around Tau on a more technical level.

I’ve been working on this hiring of the blockchain developer that we’ve been trying to bring on board for a little while now. It’s been taking us a little while. I’ve also brought on a talent acquisition manager. He isn’t on this call, but he’ll be working with us to essentially find the team members that we really want to bring on board this year and next year. There’s quite a lot of extra team members that we want to bring on the dev side and internally as well. That’s a big push for us. I’ve also been working on some internal development stuff.

Karim and I are evaluating using software that will help us all work better in a more effective and efficient way as a team.

Beyond that I’ve just been working with Kilian and Karolina on their work and getting the website done. And again, the admin stuff as usual.


Q: Would you consider in the future integrating faster and cheaper alternatives to Ethereum (ERC20)?

Karim: Yes, absolutely we’re always looking for cheaper alternatives to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Right now, we’re working on integration with Binance Smart Chain. We’re open to consider any other alternatives. Of course, in the long run, our goal is to use AGRS on Agoras Live. That will be on our mainnet and hopefully we can have better control on the transaction fees at that time.

Q: What examples of languages or subsets do you think are eligible for implementation in TML? Which ones are you personally most interested in?

Ohad: TML is mainly for two use cases. One is for knowledge representation languages. There are many knowledge representation languages also called description logics. So, that’s one important use case. Another one is various formats like HTML format or Wiki format. You can present knowledge let’s say in a format of a Wiki or a Web page. It is a general tool for writing translators for any language but these are our main use cases.

Q: Do you have contacts with members of other scientific communities who show an interest in Tau as a discussion platform?

Professor Benzmüller: We definitely have on board representatives from various scientific communities in knowledge representation and reasoning if you take that as a wider field. That means in a sense the composition of the Tau board already has a certain range of competencies on board. Beyond that we haven’t collaborated in the context of Tau.

Q: Are we ready to announce a launch timeline for TML and Agora’s 1.0?

Karim: Yes, In terms of TML or TML 1.0 we’ve actually had what we call an alpha release available for general use as in the form of the TML IDE. So that’s been available for a few months now. We would like to release TML 1.0 by the end of this year. As you’ll see in the update, we’re making a lot of performance improvements to wrap that up. As far as Agoras 1.0, if we’re talking about Agoras Live, yes, we’re talking about the beginning of next year as well for Agoras live.

Q: Will Tau, TML or Agoras be feature complete enough to create a metaverse platform in 2022?

Karim: Yes, our goal is towards the end of 2022 if you look at our internal road map to have a version of Tau usable by that time.

Q: When can the public play with TML playground again where people can create databases, lists and so on? I understand now it’s under renovation due to upgrading with second order logic. Now it’s just TML bots for Telegram. By the way, the previous TML was a very fast example in generating millions of elements and reaching consensus of facts in just seconds. It’s longer to print the output. Also, in doing transitive closure, because normally a person has to write so much more code to perform such a thing.

Tomas: Currently there is a TML editor or playground, an application where you can write and visit TML programs. It is accessible online at https://tml.idni.org. It features storing of user’s programs or databases locally in their browsers and also it contains a lot of example programs for various features of language.

Q: Do you plan to offer access to an API for Agoras live?

Karim: No, I’ll say we don’t have a plan to offer APIs. We would like to see what use cases you might have for an API for Agoras Live. And yeah, if we see that you have an interesting use case, we would probably consider it. But so far, we haven’t, no.




Written by Tau

Logical AI software creation engine to develop software with supreme reasoning capabilities and guaranteed AI safety.

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