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- Tau merchandise and website updates are planned to be available around March.
Development Team Update
- Juan and Lucca are working on the theoretical side. Some assignments from Ohad are being discussed with the academic panel. Juan has been looking at temporal logics and how it can be applied to Tau’s requirements. Lucca has been assigned tasks related to BDDs, star-free languages, and Monadic second-order logic. He’s also looked at the topology of infinite binary trees and stone spaces.
- Umar and Tomas have made great progress in implementing and integrating the Earley parser into TML. We’re are making that part of the TML 1.0 release. The Earley parser is embedded into the TML runtime and generates parse trees for any context-free language. TML will be able to parse any context-free languages, generate parse trees for the grammar, generate TML facts and TML raw programs for execution within the TML environment.
- Tomas cleaned up “exporting databases to CSVs” functionality.
- Umar created transformation for parse forests, a core feature of TMLs internet of languages. We are close to wrapping up the Earley parser onto the TML runtime environment.
- Andrei added Metamask wallet support.
- New development team member David has been onboarded and is studying BDDs and the TML source code. He has begun work on his first tasks regarding the optimization of the representation of BDDs. After only two weeks, he’s up to speed and is already contributing his own features.
Prof. Christoph Benzmuller:
- Has been looking into examples within PDL, ones of the logic formats we’ve previously discussed, and extended it with formula assignment and controlled consistency predicate. Uploaded the work as a paper, and sources are also available for rapid prototyping in Isabel.
- Encoded the theory files called modal MSO in Isabel and investigated them.
- Studied Automata theory MSO and reached out to interested students to create projects within this field.
- Assisted in research questions Ohad posted.
- Has been familiarising with stone space and dualism that arises from other research.
- Tried to construct an example to show how an algorithm for checking weak Monadic Second-Order Logic on inductive structures without using Automata. This will be ongoing work for next month.
- Fixed a feature that dumps resulting databases to CSV files when requested by the CSV command line option. Removed all transformations of TML into various logic programming languages. These transformations are going to be completed after the parser is fully integrated.
- Worked with Umar on the right format for ParSync, to be made available for TML programs.
- Created a TML program to show the first example of transformations of parse forest produced by the new parser using the grammar defined in TML.
- Continued to work on the new parser integrating it into TML so it can be used for transformations of TML programs by TML itself.
- Created a pull request for a definition file of the Agoras ERC20 currency into the firmware of Trezor. Pull request is currently awaiting approval.
- Mainly focused on studying and experimenting with Temporal Logics. Outcomes of which are to be reviewed by the academic panel this week.
- Have been testing tools, coming from both HAWA engineering and formal specification logic communities. Concluded that they are not enough to handle Tau’s requirements.
- Mainly researching currently but we are working to implement these findings into actual features of TML.
- Have been working on BDD implementation and currently testing it.
- Have been looking at the source code of TML to understand the different pieces and how it works.
- Have been working on the first task, which consists of optimizing the representation BDDs inside TML.
- Fixed some minor issues for Agoras Live regarding how files were saved. User files will be held within decentralized storage, e.g., IPFS.
- Fixed some mobile view issues.
- Implemented Metamask wallet into the Agoras Live platform. We will add more wallets in the future.
- Found two great teams of testers to test the Agoras Live platform. We are currently in negotiations with them.
- Looking forward to testing Agoras Live with the testing team over the coming months.
- Have been looking into how to use the Earley Parser functionality. We achieved a critical use case is to convert the parser parse tree into TML facts. We were able to visualize these facts in different formats.
- Any type of context-free grammar can be parsed with TML, and you can convert the parse graph into TML facts for later processing.
- Made further optimizations to improve the speed to extract the graph during the parsing process.
- Any context-free grammar can be processed with TML, pass graph can be extracted. This will enable high-level TML transformations within the TML world.
- Regarding the task to increase our logic to speak about programs, there was progress made by Prof. Franconi to enhance Boolean algebra with modal operators. Gained better understanding of the Boolean algebras of interest and how they can be encoded using Monadic second-order logic.
- Made progress with infinite systems of Monadic versions, which can be used for the same cause.