Tau ($AGRS) Business Update | March 2022 (Ep. 45)

6 min readApr 11, 2022



Business Team Update


  • At the final stage with the website. Final refinements are being made before it goes live.
  • Sourced accomplished designers in the field of interactive website design for our next version of the website after this version goes live.
  • Further pitch deck refinements were made with Fola as we are ready to pitch to Venture Capital.
  • Planning webinar to introduce more people to Tau.
  • Applying to conferences. Applied to speak at the European blockchain convention happening in June in Barcelona.
  • Creating a sheet to explain the bonus structure of Agoras when locked.
  • The community member of the month is Andrew, for his outstanding contributions.


  • Implemented some article edits that a significant publication has asked for and have shared revisions with editors. We hope to publish the article in line with the website launch.
  • The website feels pretty much done with some minor refinements being made.
  • Created a complete website design brief we’ve shared with the interactive web designers for the next iteration of the website.
  • Discussed technical content with recently joined team member Luis.
  • Discussed community growth ideas with Jamie. We’ve been offered a spotlight spot to pitch Tau to a Token engineering DAO.


  • Involved in Kilian, Karolina, and Jamie’s work. Had discussions with Karim and Ohad about the progress of development plans in order to communicate those on our website as well.
  • Worked with Alex on the more internal development side of things, refining structure, so we are more efficient internally to grow quicker.


Q: Is Professor Dr. Avishy Carmi the editor of the Tau whitepaper included in the Tau team. If yes, is he one of the advisors? Could you please have him on the Tau.net website advisors list? Thank you!

Fola: Dr. Avishy Carmi was involved in editing the whitepaper. He is not one of our advisors for the Tau project. So he’s not included on the website.

Q: What did Ohad mean when you said we have a social human mechanism for a technological creature to evolve? What do you mean by social human mechanism?

Ohad: The social parties, of course, the discussions in the social network. If we were to let people teach computers and give them knowledge for the sake of teaching computers, then eventually, no one would do this. But if it is only a byproduct of discussions of a special kind, there can be large-scale discussions with the help of the machine. If teaching the machine is only a byproduct, then we have a chance to teach the machine sufficient enough knowledge to the extent even of the singularity as written in the whitepaper.

Q: As human beings are not perfect, our views keep changing since we keep discovering new things. Believing that the Earth is flat and then another time that the Earth is an oblate spheroid. What happens when people change their opinions to something that wasn’t before? Will tau see this as a contradiction, and will the users be barred from using Tau until they correct their opinion. The second question is can Tau pinpoint users’ contradictions and then guide them to change their opinion based on their previous opinion.

Ohad: So first for negation, deletion, and self-reference. It is irrelevant because this can be done in any decidable logic. There is no need for any unique logical properties for that. When you post an opinion, the system can see if it contradicts your existing Worldview. Then it can ask you again if you really want to post this opinion, and because it can show you that it contradicts things you said before. The users will probably wish not to post such an opinion. But if they do, then the system will not be able to reason over in the Worldview because it will be empty, because it contains a contradiction, and that’s how I see it. There are many ways to go about it. All of them are trivial. It’s a matter of your user experience. There is nothing magical here with each new opinion added. We can check whether it contradicts the existing Worldview and then let the user decide what they want to do with it.

Q: Could you give more examples when you talk about laws of changing the laws?

Ohad: Suppose you have a robot, and you plug in your USB key to the robot with a software update, and you want the robot to accept the update only if it doesn’t contradict the three laws of robotics by Asimov. Then you come in and ask which language the robot is programmed in. The existing program and the program in the update (the new program) should be in the same language. So we need to have a language that can ask whether another sentence in that language contradicts yet another third sentence. If you ask a logician, without thinking too much, a logician will tell you that this is impossible and, indeed, no one ever cracked such a possibility. But we have a solution. It is a solution based on Boolean algebra and a fascinating and robust solution, which, for the first time, will allow you to update your robot without breaking the laws of robotics.

Q: How is Tau’s Meta Language better than Solidity?

Karim: We do get this question a lot. How is TML different from other programming languages, like Solidity. Solidity is a procedural language just like Java or C++. In contrast, TML is declarative, and the reason that’s much better is when you’re working with logical statements that are supposed to hold throughout the program. It’s better to use a declarative way of doing things instead of a procedural one.

Q: Is it harder to code in TML than Solidity?

Karim: If you’re not used to it. It is a little bit hard at the beginning. It was for me to learn TML. Once you get used to it, it’s not overall much harder, especially for the kind of problems that are better solved with TML.

Q: In regards to the speed of the project on both development as well as marketing design and outreach. How much time are the people employed dedicating to the project part-time and full-time?

Fola: I’ll speak for the non-development side or the business side. As we call it, Karolina, I, and Alex are all full-time. Jamie and some of our designers, Igor, and our web developers, such as Oleh and Daria, they are part-time. We also work with external design firms. They help us develop the website and things of that nature and illustrations. But they’re all contracted out and working with us ad hoc.

Karim: As for the development team, the entire development team, including myself, are full-time on the project.

Q: How is Tau’s meta language and core language better than declarative programming languages like Haskell?

Ohad: Haskell is not a declarative language; it is a functional programming language. An example of declarative language would be datalog, which is very similar to TML. The main difference is that TML is intended to be a language for writing translators to be a compiler. Compiler, therefore, contains specific features and designs intended for this cause.

Q: Could you add the video of Tau being the super secretary in the old website to the new website?

Fola: So we have some plans for the new website. We’re not going to be taking any of the previous designs over, but we have some ideas for new ways to convey Tau.

Q: Please, can you add Ohad’s blogs? It’s a nice read.

Fola: We do have some plans for those blogs as well. We’re likely going to be moving them to our Medium site.

Q: Could you add a GitHub link to the new website?

Fola: The new, more fleshed-out site that we’ll be launching soon has GitHub links on the homepage, but you can go to the join our community tab on the Tau.net page. You can see the GitHub link there.

Q: Could you add a new channel, not only Toutube? Like BitChute.

Fola: So we don’t have any plans to use BitChute, right now, but we can start to syndicate some content onto there in the next week or so.

Follow Tau for more updates. Learn more about the project at tau.net

Join the Tau community here.

Read the Tau whitepaper here.

Get Agoras ($AGRS) here.




Written by Tau

Logical AI software creation engine to develop software with supreme reasoning capabilities and guaranteed AI safety.

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