Business Team Update
- Completed the huge task of finalizing content for the next iteration of the webpage. The current site that is currently online briefly introduces the project. The next iteration for the site will introduce many aspects of Tau such as discussion scaling, Logical AI, Worldviews, intelligent contracts, and many more.
- Luis has joined the team. Alongside his research work, he will assist us with parts of the website that require his technical writing abilities.
- All content has been passed onto the design team. I look forward to showing you the new website once it’s live.
- We’re working with a great influencer Youtuber Smitha Kolan with whom we’ve worked before. She will be doing a series of videos on Tau to explain it to her wide audience.
- We need to get things moving faster with PR. There have been hiccups with communication with editors of the websites we are looking to publish in. However, we have solutions in place and will ensure that the content that goes out about Tau does it justice.
- Onboarded Luis M. Augusto. An expert in AI and formal languages as the Founder and Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Knowledge Structures & Systems.
- Onboarded Jamie as a social media manager and creative producer. We’ve been working on Twitter content and the upcoming Smitha Tau video series with Karolina.
- Have been doing outreach to design agencies for the website to be revamped.
- Been working on pitch deck refinements with Fola based on the content we’ve developed for the website.
- Reached out to Logic-based Youtubers but no positive replies so far. Please let us know if you know any Youtuber you feel would be a good fit.
- Community member of the month is Andrew for his Youtube video showing how little code is needed for TML to perform Transitive Closure.
- Working with Alex on contracts for our new team members.
- Working on our potential blockchain developer.
Q: Is TML expressive enough to be true in one context and false in another? For example, things that are true at one time but false in another. Items that are considered true in one region but false in another. Something is solid at one molecular level but not in another.
Ohad: In principle, everything in TML is ready to support that. It can be done similarly to RDF, where the context is explicit, and everything is relevant to a context. TML doesn’t have direct support for it, but it is a minimal addition to TML for it to do so.
Q: Is the BDD data structure considered more tree-like or a graph or neither?
Ohad: BDD is a compressed tree because two isomorphic subtrees are merged into one. We then get a directed acyclic graph, and any directed acyclic graph can be seen as a compressed tree.
Q: How is second-order logic implementation progress going, in your opinion?
Juan: Last year, we made some progress with second-order logic. We’re facing some technical challenges to provide a complete solution to a very complex problem. Research is ongoing, and we expect to return to future design and implementation in the coming months.
Q: I own AGRS on Omni. When can I expect the 15% additional coins, and do I need to act once Tau goes live, or can I just safely keep my private key indefinitely, and if so, when do I need to do what?
Fola: If you have locked your tokens when you purchased the Agoras tokens from Ohad, you have already received your 15% bonus. You will receive your 15% once the Tau platform is ready if you have self-locked.
Q: When is Tau getting a market cap on Coingecko?
Kilian: There are two difficulties with this. Firstly, our token runs on Ethereum and the Omni network. Secondly, bonus tokens are still allocated under one address. We need to relocate those tokens across different addresses to give a more accurate representation of the supply. We hope to have that done by the end of this week. We will then reach out to Coingecko to have the market cap updated.
Q: If reaching a consensus of billions of facts in less than a second is possible, could we presume that it is also possible to use TML to transfer (uploading and downloading) files quicker, or is it not the main point of TML? Changing how data is broken down in packets in a TML way. If that is the case, the first company that can implement TML in their USB stick will rule the market share. Imagine transferring 1TB of data in 1 sec.
Ohad: The consensus that Tau should support should not just be the consensus of facts but a much deeper and broader form of agreement. Specifically for facts, we will have a PHP network similar to BitTorrent on which the platform and blockchain will be based on. This will allow for the efficient sharing of files.
Q: Could you tell us more about Futamura’s projection and what it will do for the project?
Ohad: TML intends to be a compiler-compiler, and Futamura’s projections allow us to get compilers in fascinating forms. So you can write an interpreter, which is sometimes easy, and then get a compiler for free. You get a program that converts any interpreter into a compiler if you do it again. Futamura’s projections are one of the most magical things in computer science. It is not so vital for the project, but when it is implemented, it will give more use to the users of TML.
Q: There was a mention of a good exchange listing that was to happen but decided to postpone due to low trading volume. Where are we with this?
Fola: Once the next iteration of our website is in place, we can push forward with heavier marketing which I believe will increase our trading volume. Then we can move on to the exchanges that we have lined up in our exchange roadmap.
Q: When blockchain/Mainnet?
Karim: Current plan is for a Testnet to release at the end of 2022, with the Mainnet set for launch first quarter of 2023.
Q: What is the use now of buying Tauhain’s token Agoras? Is it better to buy later in 2025 when the launch is planned?
Fola: We can’t tell you to buy the token. Currently, the Agoras token is a placeholder token that the Mainnet token will replace once the Mainnet is released.
Q: How does proof of execution differ from proof of stake, and how is it superior?
Karim: Look for a great explanation of proof of execution on our next website version. I can quickly tell you PoE is far superior to PoS because, in PoS, actors or nodes stake some currency to guarantee they will behave correctly. In PoE, the very nature of the algorithm guarantees everyone will execute every smart contract correctly, so you don’t have to trust or threaten to take away their stake. You can just verify they have executed the contracts faithfully.
Q: In the whitepaper, when you say TML can go back and forth, namely, given a translator for language X to Y, we wish to have a translator from language Y to language X “for free”. This is not mathematically possible in Turing complete languages, but TML can support that. So “for free” means no need to hire bug detectors, but TML can do this translation without bugs. This means the possibility of code reuse to different platforms in different formats. Is that correct?
Ohad: Yes, if I understand you correctly. Let’s say I write a translator from C to Python. You then don’t need to write a translator from Python to C because it will already be implied from the TML program. You will not get the same C program back, but you will get some translator for free. I cannot promise that TML will support this as is. Maybe for only restricted sub languages of TML, it will be possible. We are not there yet, but that is the idea.
Q: How is the progress going in implementing the new language for rules of changing the rules (second-order logic)?
Ohad: Rules of changing the rules are not about second-order logic. Maybe the confusion comes from nullary second logic, which perhaps is not a good name because it is not like ordinary second-order logic. Nullary second-order logic solves the main difficulties with the rules of changing the rules. Regarding progress, we need to make a theological step to make those rules be about programs. If they are statements in general, that is relatively easy from where we are now. But programs add a layer of difficulty of ordering events in time, so we will need to enhance it with temporal primitives, and that is what we are working on right now.