Karolina: Hey everyone. So, this month we finally finished our first article on Tau and it will be posted on Cointelegraph after the holidays, so that we can get more traffic. So that’s already sorted and planned and we are excited to see it online. The next step will be translating the article for the Asian markets which is also already in the works. There’s finally some movement in the PR area. This month, we’ve also started working on the visual language of Tau, which involves a lot of discussions on what concepts can we depict and how can we do it in a way that would make Tau ideas not only attractive but also make them a bit easier to understand at a glance.

We’ll be using those illustrations as part of our visual branding language. So, we’ll be using a lot of those on our new website and the website is my main focus right now. I’m working on mapping out the content and gathering all the necessary information and I can tell you that it’s not going to be some simple landing page. It will be a very extensive source of information. So, we’re aiming to balance the technical side and to make it a little as gradable as it should look. But also make it easier to understand for the people who maybe don’t want to dive too deep into the technicalities of Tau.

So, we’re having continued discussions about it with Kilian and with Fola and now Majid has joined our team to help us with the technical writing side of things. So, the process is really picking up speed. In general, I’m really excited about what the new year will bring, especially since I know that it will for sure bring the long awaited and well-deserved websites. On which we’ll be able to showcase the branding that we did and reach a wider audience.

Kilian: Hi everybody. This month the search for scientific writers has continued and luckily, we found the right match for the team, which is Majid. Beyond that we have another interesting candidate who also did her PhD under Professor Franconi, but we still need to see whether we can onboard her. At the same time we continued with pitching the project to certain community members and beyond and to also improve the based on what we’ve gotten from those pitches.

So, now the pitch tech has been facing some restructuring and yeah, that’s for the pitchdeck so far. With Karolina and Fola we’ve been working on the website content planning. Also, with Majid now since he’s on board. Beyond that I’ve been working on some smaller tasks like coordinating the video and interview that professor Franconi and Ohad had together with Smitha on her YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfnaQ2y2rxY&t

We also coordinated the Bitcoin.com podcast [https://news.bitcoin.com/tau-chain-founder-ohad-asor-and-prof-franconi-explain-logical-ai-and-how-to-trade-knowledge/], which took place and was released early this month. Which also is an interview or a podcast episode between Ohad, Professor Franconi and the host Bitcoin.com. I’ve been trying to update the logo on Coinmarketcap on Coingecko for the new Agoras logo.

Community member of the month I’m happy to announce, is SysD for proposing a particular research institute to reach out to and potentially collaborate with. Thank you for that. We’re always very interested in potential allies to collaborate with.

Fola: Thank you very much Kilian. I also want to nominate another community member of the month to Anon. He’s just written his name as Anon, but he’s made some really interesting suggestions for how we can greatly improve our videos community updates. I’d like to pass it on to Majid. He has joined us as our scientific writer.

Majid: Hi everyone. My name is Majid. I’m really glad to join the Tau team and actually this is a great opportunity for me. I’m a PhD candidate in artificial intelligence and most of my previous work was very focused on understanding natural language, but at once I found that knowledge representation and reasoning is really important, and is the basis of the future of artificial intelligence. And I changed my way of working with knowledge representation and reasoning. At once, I faced Kilian and this great opportunity to join your team. I’m so glad.

Fola: Thank you very much Majid. It’s great to have you on board and you’ve already done some really great things, so I’m really looking forward to working with you. You’re definitely a great difference in the team.

From my side again, We are looking to bring on a potential long term sponsored YouTuber in, Smitter. And Kilian and I are working on different sort of models for us to work together in a deeper sense. Whether that’s her creating content for Tau or us sponsoring her videos or just her essentially just working with us just in a much more sort of integrated sense. So, that’s one of the additional things that we can mention for the month.

Alongside bringing on Majid, we’ve also brought another developer in David. He’s not here on this call right now but he’ll be on future calls and can tell you a bit more on a development call about what he’s up to. So, alongside that, I’ve been working on internal structuring, planning for growing the team for 2022 and also our marketing plan for 2022.


Q: Can Tau achieve human-machine-human at the end of 2022?

Karim: Yes. We were just reviewing the development plans just yesterday and the human-machine and human communication by the end of 2022 will only be rudimentary and will not be ready for public release at the end of 2022. But we’re hoping to have a rudimentary version of it internally.

Q: Can you elaborate more about the rules of changing the rules and how Tau deals with the liar’s paradox?

Ohad: The problem with the rules of changing the rules and how they give rise to something like the liar’s paradox is explained in the podcast. I guess this question comes from there. To add things that were not said in the podcast about what the solution looks like, where we have really, we have several problems. We have not only the problem of having a paradox. We also have the problem of how to reason over sentences that contain a reference to truth and self-reference. Avoiding paradoxes is done in two parts.

We need to obstruct logical statements and to certain obstruction in particular that we don’t have access to how the statement is written to the syntax of the statement. Because it was already proved long ago that if we have this access, then we can recover the liar paradox. Another part is that, in any self-referential statements that include the truth predicate, paradoxes will arise. The point is to be able to control the paradox, to know when it arises and to give the user the ability to control it. This will also be achieved as we’ve mapped in our new language the cases that the paradox can possibly arise, then give the user the ability to specify what to do in such a case.

For a simple kind of self-reference, there can be mutual references that end up with self-reference. This is something we didn’t finish yet, but it should take the same form of the simple case. Another important part of the solution and because we found some interesting correspondence between some basic language whatever language it will be. And the same language is enhanced with the ability to speak about sentences in that language. It turns out that if we obstruct enough in the logical statements as we said before, we obstruct them enough to be able to do very basic operations with them. If we obstruct enough, then the two languages look the same with and without the ability to truth about sentences after this obstruction is exactly the same mathematical structure. This mathematical structure is called the Countable Atomless Boolean Algebra. Because of this correspondence, then at this abstraction level we can do the same kind of reasoning we would do with or without sentences that belong to the same logic reference to sentences that belong to the same logic. This will also give rise to the decidability point that I mentioned before.

In summary the paradox doesn’t disappear, but we control the paradox. We are able to control the paradox and we are able to perform other reasoning tasks because our setting is the decidable and our setting is both non paradoxical and the decidable because we perform this kind of obstruction and then look at logics as Countable Atomless Boolean Algebras.

Q: Can you elaborate more about social choice, specifically Arrow’s impossibility theorem and what can Tau do about it?

Ohad: There is a good account for that in the whitepaper. There is a section about social choice. I really recommend that you read that part again. Specifically, how to avoid arrow’s impossibility, arrow’s impossibilities under some assumptions, three assumptions. One of them is that the preference of one option over the other does not depend on the preference of any other option that is unrelated to those two. This is the assumption that it is most reasonable to relax. To say that yes, the order of things can depend on the ordering of other things. And again, this is all explained in the whitepaper.

Q: When can we move the locked Agoras tokens? Any time frame or rough estimate?

Fola: Agoras are meant to be unlocked when the final platform is ready.

Q: Great to see the latest push on interviews and podcasts. I highly enjoy them. Thank you for this. I did notice that thus far the majority of talk was in the technical and philosophical aspect of the protocol. Not so much on the token itself or how it is interwoven into the Tau TML structure. How will the Agoras token be an integral part of the Tauchain for which Fiat or any other token couldn’t suffice in form of payment or working for Towel TML?

Kilian: Well first of all Agoras will be used as the medium of exchange in the knowledge economy based on Tau and to trade formalised knowledge for cash. It will also be the medium of exchange for the computational resources market over Agoras over Tau using Agoras and it will also be the medium of exchange for the derivatives market on top of Agoras. In addition, Agoras is an economy that is basically controlled by its users. So, the economy it says may also change according to consensus over time so there might be even more interesting use cases for the Agoras cryptocurrency over time.




Written by Tau

Logical AI software creation engine to develop software with supreme reasoning capabilities and guaranteed AI safety.

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