Tau Achieves Key Breakthrough with Solver Implementation before Tau Language Alpha Release

2 min readOct 2, 2024


The Tau development team has achieved another significant milestone with the completion of the solver, a key component in the functionality of Tau Language. This marks an essential step forward as we progress toward the highly anticipated Alpha release of Tau Language, unlocking the ability to execute Tau programs.

The Purpose of the Solver

The solver is responsible for running Tau programs. Its primary function is to determine a correct output at any point in time, based on both the current input and the history of previous inputs, outputs, and states. Without the solver, Tau programs simply cannot execute.

Technical Challenges and Overcoming Them

Developing the solver was no simple task. The team faced significant challenges, requiring multiple iterations of the algorithm. Over time, the solver design went through about five different approaches, each improving on the last, until a solution was found that balanced both complexity and simplicity.

A particularly intricate aspect was the solver’s dependency on splitters, another key element in Tau’s logic processing, which had to be integrated seamlessly. The final solver algorithm, while relatively efficient, required extensive thought and innovation to reach its current form.

What Makes Tau’s Solver Unique?

Tau’s solver is truly one-of-a-kind, being the only solver available for the theory of atomless Boolean algebras — a specialized theoretical foundation that no other solver on the market can handle. In fact, no one else even knows how to solve this problem, and we’ve secured a patent for it.

Why the Solver Is Crucial for Tau Language

The completion of the solver was a critical prerequisite for the Tau Language release. Without it, the platform would not be able to execute programs, as the solver is responsible for generating the correct outputs based on user inputs and historical data. Now that this milestone has been achieved, the path is clear for the implementation of more features within Tau Language, bringing us closer to the Alpha release.

Real-World Benefits for Users

For users of Tau Net and Agoras, the completion of the solver opens up a range of possibilities. With the solver in place, Tau will be able to process complex, user-defined logic in real-time, enabling advanced applications such as automated decision-making, personalized smart contracts, and decentralized consensus-building. The ability to handle complex logical programs without error or contradiction is a game-changer, paving the way for applications that require high degrees of precision and adaptability.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move even closer to the Tau Language Alpha release!

The Tau Team




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