Launch of the Tau Supporter Program

6 min readMar 15, 2021


Dear Tau Community

It’s a great pleasure for us to present to you the Tau Supporter Program. With the launch of the program, we finally have a way to directly reward your dedication and proactive support for our project. The program has been inspired by the Radvocate program of the Radix project, which showed great results.

The Tau Supporter Program

We have 800,000 AGRS (approximately $400,000 at current price leves) in total to give away, whereby up to 200,000 AGRS of the total will be available to win every three months. The rewards are going to be distributed among the top 100 supporters based on their aggregated points at the end of every three months.

The Tau Supporter program is your gateway to be rewarded for actively contributing to the success of Tau & Agoras and earning points by completing specific challenges.

A variety of challenges (see “available challenges” sheet) are waiting for you to participate in.

For each completed challenge, you gain points and climb up the Tau Supporter Leaderboard. At the end of every three month period, the top 100 point scorers convert their aggregated points into a fixed sum of AGRS, according to the Payout Structure:

Payout Structure

The payout structure is based on points. Our rewards and your point score resets every 3 months. Within each three month period, earning less than 100 points wins you nothing. Earning 500 points or more wins you 2,000 AGRS. 400 points wins you 1,500 AGRS, 300 points wins you 800 AGRS, 200 points wins you 400 AGRS and reaching a minimum of 100 points wins you 200 AGRS. But remember, you need to be in the top 100 point scorers to convert your points to AGRS. Earning above 500 points will not increase your rewards based on the Payout Structure, but ranking within the top three of the leaderboard wins you even larger prizes as part of the Special Awards:

Special Awards

In addition to the 200,000 AGRS available every three months, the top three point scorers on the leaderboard will receive Special Awards, meaning they win extra AGRS on top of their regular payout. If there’s a tie in points among the top Tau Supporters, we reserve the right to pick a winner based on the overall quality and traction of the supporter’s results. The Special Awards are as follows:

Ranking third place in the leaderboard wins you 2,000 extra AGRS. Ranking second place wins you 5,000 extra AGRS and ranking first on the leaderboard wins you 10,000 AGRS. Note that that in order to qualify for the Special Awards, you’ll need to at least aggregate 500 points over the course of the three months program.

How to participate?

Apply: The best way to get started is by filling out the Tau Supporter Application. That way, you’ll get major benefits:

  • Access to the Tau Supporter Telegram group.
  • Gain feedback on your submissions early on.
  • Gain a personal work environment to demonstrate your results.
  • Gain additional traction for your content by us sharing it.
  • Get your content reviewed by us before posting, to make sure it corresponds to the level of quality we are looking for and that your content is without misconceptions about Tau & Agoras (a requirement for completing a challenge).
  • Collaborate with other Tau Supporters and complete challenges together.
  • Get listed in the Tau Supporter Leaderboard to always know which position you are in to compete for the AGRS prize pool.

How you can accumulate as many points as possible

Points are heavily based upon the traction that your effort produces (see Traction Points).

To accumulate as many points as possible, you need to focus on your results being as positively beneficial to the project as possible.

You may complete the same challenge as many times as you wish. You earn points in two key areas:

  1. Base Points

For each completed challenge you receive Base Points. To receive Base Points, make sure that you have followed the rules of the challenge, as not adhering to them may invalidate your results. The Base Points form the smaller portion of the total points you can earn by completing a challenge.

  1. Traction Points

Traction Points are where you can really boost your point score. They make up the larger portion of points that you can accumulate for completing challenges. They are awarded based on the traction of your results.

Now what is Traction? Traction is nothing more than evidence of success. Success can be defined in a lot of different ways but generally speaking, it is the scale of beneficial impact that your result has had on the project.

Example: If you complete the “Write an article” challenge, and you write an article getting very little or negative attention, that’s no traction. In contrast, if your article gets positive feedback, gets shared by many people and is being cited in a major news outlet, that’s great traction. If you want to rank high, make sure your results get a lot of traction. We judge the traction of your work based on your documentation (see below).


The main aspect for us to evaluate your results is documentation of your work. Once you apply to become a Tau Supporter, we’ll provide you with your personal work environment to demonstrate your results. Please be as specific as possible in outlining the results of your work within your personal work environment, as this is the main criteria for evaluating your results and thus awarding you with points.

Please also make sure to steadily update your personal work environment with your content so that we can keep track of your progress. Every week, we are updating the Leaderboard with the current status of the Tau Supporters.


So which challenges are there to complete and how many points can you gain from them? For a more thorough explanation of the challenges and their rules, please refer to the “Available Challenges” sheet in the Tau Supporter Leaderboard.

For further questions, please write to us on Telegram ( or Discord (

We’re looking a lot forward to having you participate in the program as a Tau Supporter and to further shape the future of Tau and Agoras together!

Thanks for your support!

IDNI Community Manager

Terms & Conditions

  1. Earning above 500 points during the three months program will not increase your rewards based on the Payout Structure but increase your chances to rank as top three of the leaderboard and thus win even larger prizes as part of the Special Awards.
  2. You won’t be eligible for AGRS rewards when accumulating below 100 points during the three months program.
  3. We disencourage any tries to game the system. Any tries to do so will result in your disqualification from the program.
  4. The program allocates 200,000 AGRS for each period of three months.
  5. In order to judge the traction of your work, make sure to submit your Presentation of Results before the end of the program.
  6. All Tau Supporters should follow Tau-Chain’s social channels and share/retweet content related to Tau.
  7. All content should be submitted to the Supporter Submission Form located within the Supporter’s personal folder (sign up to get your personal folder).
  8. Content will be reviewed & leaderboard updated with points after every 2 weeks.
  9. If you haven’t signed up for the program, you can still participate and we’ll evaluate your results at the end of the quarter. To do so, please present your results to us via email:
  10. By participating in the Tau Supporter program, you agree that your information from within your personal folder is being shared publicly.
  11. If there are joined positions on the top 100 leaderboard, we reserve the right to choose the winner.




Written by Tau

Logical AI software creation engine to develop software with supreme reasoning capabilities and guaranteed AI safety.

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