Counting the Treasury in the Circulating Supply

3 min readAug 6, 2024


As part of our ongoing conversation with the community, alongside the growth of our ecosystem, we will be counting the Treasury in the circulating supply. This strategic move is in response to the community’s valuable feedback.

What is The Treasury? A Recap

The Treasury is a reserve of tokens held by the project that are always used for the community’s benefit. For instance, community members collectively regularly request specific trading venues for the Agoras token e.g. Tier 2 and Tier 1 such as Coinbase & Binance. This requires partnerships with regulated exchanges in jurisdictions where the token is considered fit for trade, and a third party may ensure that challenging trading requirements imposed by exchanges are met to avoid delisting, which further avoids cascading issues with the token and potentially loss of tokens for community members.

Clarification on Token Distribution

We would also like to clarify that the token distribution information available online has always been indicative and not exact down to the token, and that Treasury movements are necessary e.g. to ensure Agoras is tradable on regulated exchanges.

What are Emissions and How Do They Relate to Agoras?

We state clearly on our website that emissions of Agoras are zero or fixed, that refers to the total supply. This means there are 42 million tokens in total, and this number will remain unchanged unless you, the community, decide otherwise before the launch of Mainnet or adjust the tokenomics yourself over Mainnet e.g. making the Agoras supply inflationary by saying the supply should increase 10% annually. This does not mean our Treasury balance does not fluctuate; it does ebb and flow depending on exchange requirements, deals and so on. Rest assured, the project does not engage in token “dumping,” which refers to the practice of selling large quantities of tokens rapidly via exchanges, potentially destabilizing the market.

Why Count the Treasury In the Circulating Supply?

As previously mentioned, the Treasury is dedicated to the community’s benefit and therefore fluctuates, always moving rather than solely decreasing or increasing. To have a transparent circulating supply, for the community’s sake we are counting the Treasury in the circulating supply. This does not imply that we plan to sell off the Treasury or that we no longer maintain a large Treasury. It simply reflects the dynamic nature of the Treasury. This approach ensures the community always has a clear picture of the circulating supply, even if potentially, and allows us to have the crucial focus on developing the Tau Net and Agoras ecosystem.

Holdings Transparency and Security

In response to queries regarding the specific addresses and the remaining number of tokens in the Treasury, we will not be disclosing addresses or detailed numbers on the Treasury. We want to emphasize our priority on flexibility and security. To achieve greatness, we need to maintain flexibility. We, being both community members and Tau Net’s creators, have a uniquely wide perspective on how deals affect the project, the timing involved and which partners are suitable to further the project’s trajectory while representing the project’s excellence.

What will Happen Next?

In line with our strategy, we will update the circulating supply on platforms such as Coingecko, Coinmarketcap, and others. This adjustment will impact the market cap of the project and is expected to improve Agoras’ ranking on these sites.

Commitment to Responsible Treasury Management

We assure that we continue to use the Treasury responsibly and strategically for your benefit, ensuring that all decisions align with our collective long-term vision and goals.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support.

All the best,
The Tau Team




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