We’re happy to announce that you can now trade Agoras (AGRS) on the ProBit exchange. ProBit Global is a Top 20 crypto exchange worldwide servicing crypto enthusiasts with unlimited access to trade and buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and 600+ altcoins in 1000+ markets. Therefore, the addition of ProBit as an exchange is an important step for us to establish an easy-to-use gateway in particular for the Asian community to trade AGRS and thus become an integral part of the Tau community.
If you’re new to our project and are wondering what AGRS is about, here’s an infographic explaining the utility and tokenomics behind the cryptocurrency powering Tau, the intelligent social network enabling you to instantly understand millions and be understood by millions of other people:
The listed trading pair on ProBit is AGRS/USDT.
More info about ProBit and the listing in general: https://support.probit.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404524013209-ProBit-Global-Lists-Agoras-AGRS-
To find out more about Tau and Agoras, take a glimpse at our whitepaper, join the community via our Telegram or Discord channel and check out our monthly update videos on our YouTube channel:
Stay tuned for more exciting news around Tau and AGRS in the near future!
Sincerely yours
The IDNI Team