Addressing Community Concerns: Liquidity Pool

3 min readJun 5, 2024


As we continue to build Tau Net and Agoras, it’s important to remember that our roots lie within the community. Most of our core team members were community members long before they joined the team, and we consider ourselves deeply connected to the community. This unique perspective helps us stay true to the goals and values that brought us together in the first place.

Liquidity Pool Concerns:

It’s important to note that we did not create the Liquidity Pool (LP), and it does not govern the trading activity of the AGRS token.

A frequent question we receive about the LP being unbalanced is why the team doesn’t simply “add liquidity”, with calls for us to use market makers to balance the LP. Market makers do not solve issues of unbalanced LP, it is resolved by adding (or subtracting) one side of the trading pair to balance the pool.

Here are the key points to address this concern:

  1. Sustainability:
    Adding liquidity, which essentially means buying AGRS on Uniswap, is not a sustainable solution. Our funds are finite, and continuously buying tokens whenever someone wants to sell would require an impractical amount of ETH, escalating potentially into millions of dollars. This approach doesn’t solve the problem; it merely postpones it. Investing development funds into unsustainable efforts would hinder our primary goal: The world’s greatest blockchain protocol, bringing real Decentralization. We believe development of our project is too critical to be sacrificed for unsustainable fixes.
  2. Focus on Core Goals:
    From the outset we have promised to solve major problems in blockchain. Redirecting funds to artificially inflate liquidity does not align with our strategic goals and gives us less room to uphold the community promise in building the great project in Tau Net, the main focus will need to be on development and communication. We believe being able to give tangible proof of the advances we make (evidenced by the deep research that’ll soon be up for peer review) will change everything, not just crypto, but software capability in general.
  3. Exchanges:
    There are legitimate exchanges available for trading AGRS, and we are continuously working to add more exchanges to this list. By focusing on these legitimate trading venues, we ensure a more stable and sustainable trading environment for AGRS, further supporting its growth and liquidity.
  4. Regulations:
    From a regulatory perspective, we are legally advised to keep DEX’s at arms length due to US regulatory requirements. These regulations are surmounted by developing and releasing our products, allowing AGRS to be classified as a utility token from a US perspective. Participating in what may be US exposure without utility classification could lead regulators to ultimately end the project, so we must hold ourselves to standards that ensure longevity. Further, by releasing the project, we gain exposure to the US exchanges, meaning bigger and more trustworthy trading venues.


We understand the concerns around liquidity. Our approach is designed to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of Tau Net and Agoras. By focusing on our core goals and delivering real, impactful advancements, we will naturally resolve many hurdles and achieve the recognition and success we all envision. We are dedicated to building something that truly matters and appreciate your continued support and understanding as we progress towards our shared vision.

For more updates and information, stay connected with us on our YouTube channel, Medium blog, and Twitter.

Thank you for your unwavering support,
The Tau Team




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